
New & Upcoming

We are proud to announce that Let Our Voice Run is back! Let Our Voice Run is a 3-year campaign encompassing a virtual run to raise awareness and address sexual harm and dating violence experienced by young adults in Institutes of Higher Learning.

LOVR will take place from 18 – 26 November! Something special is happening this year. We are thrilled to have four champions spearheading the team and designing different routes for you to choose from. You can choose to join our champions for their on-ground event as they seek to connect with participants in their efforts to champion the cause and create positive change in the community.

The focus on promoting restorative initiatives and providing support for victims/survivors is crucial.

Let Our Voice Run as one today!

Sign up today! We are giving out free LOVR 2023 t-shirts (worth $12) to the first 100 to register.

Let Our Voice Run is a 3-year campaign focusing on raising awareness and addressing sexual harm and dating violence experienced by young adults in tertiary institutions.

This is through restorative and collective initiatives such as creating conversations on building respectful relationships and safe campus communities with concerned stakeholders.

Come support us and join us to build a safe campus community together!

Recent Events

Violence between couples or intimate partner violence (IPV)

As part of LCCS’ REALink! episode on ‘Men Hurt too’,  we are looking to discover people’s attitudes and perceptions regarding IPV. We appreciate if you can spare a few minutes to respond to our survey. The survey should take no more than 5 minutes of your time. No identifiable information is required.

There is a video and at any point, if you feel uncomfortable, please stop the survey and seek support. You can call the 24-hour National Anti-Violence and Sexual Harassment Helpline (1800-777-0000) if you need any non-emergency assistance.