Lutheran Community Care Services (LCCS) established in 2002, is a non-profit, charitable organisation with an Institution of a Public Character (IPC) status and an affiliated partner of the International Institute for Restorative Practices (IIRP).

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LOVR 2025

Thank you for your participation!!

A big thank you to our participants for being part of our Let Our Voice Run (LOVR) 2025 Campus Community Walk/Run! ✨

Your support and interest in this campaign has been pivotal in raising awareness about the topic of relationship violence. Seeing everyone come together, sharing stories, and engaging in heartfelt conversations reminds us of the power of community and the strength of each individual voice!

Swipe through to see highlights from the campus community walk/run, including reflections and testimonials from our participants who found the experience not just impactful, but also uplifting.

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Our Services

School Support Services

Enabling school communities to strengthen relationships and widen circles of care

Family Support Services

Assisting families to meet their needs and improve their overall quality of life

Community Support Services

Strengthening and restoring relationships, and connecting resources in the community

Prison Support Services

Supporting individuals in incarceration to build and restore relationships to support them towards successful reintegration into the society

Training & Consultancy

Enabling individuals and organisations to translate knowledge and skills of Restorative Practices to address issues and build communities that promote safety and well-being

Our Services

School Support Services

Enabling school communities to strengthen relationships and widen circles of care

Family Support Services

Assisting families to meet their needs and improve their overall quality of life

Community Support Services

Strengthening and restoring relationships, and connecting resources in the community

Prison Support Services

Supporting individuals in incarceration to build and restore relationships to support them towards successful reintegration into the society

Training & Consultancy

Enabling individuals and organisations to translate knowledge and skills of Restorative Practices to address issues and build communities that promote safety and well-being

2017 - 2023 At A Glance

Lives Restored
Lives Connected
Lives Empowered
Lives Engaged

Our Voices

Martine HillDirector, Alliance Counselling Pte Ltd
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“I participated with a group of friends in a listening circle in May, 2020. The experience was so powerful and enlightening that I invited the staff at LCCS to run listening circles for my team at work. The feedback was outstanding. This restorative practice is healing, breaks down boundaries and allows individuals to experience emotions in a safe and contained space.”
Benjamin ChiaPrisons Cluster B Commander
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“We are thankful to LCCS for this 2-year RP journey with us thus far, where many prison staff have been trained and are now using RP in many facets of their work. We also appreciate continued efforts at building the community of practice, facilitating practitioner builder sessions, and dialogues with RP gurus for us to learn more about RP and its application with inmates and in prisons work. We believe that building connected communities and a restorative environment would make for safer prisons and ones more conducive to rehab.”
Denise TehHOD/Student Management, Junyuan Secondary School
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“True to the value of being pro-social, LCCS values involvement and communication from the significant adults in the school. They offer teachers roles to play throughout the process of teaching and learning. This belief translates into a practice that creates meaning to both students and adults in the school.”
KarenRTC Counsellor
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“I was truly amazed at how powerful RP could be in creating positive relationships not just between staff and inmates but also between them and their peers. I recall a case where I saw solidarity, understanding, care and concern even when the actions of a couple of inmates caused the whole group to lose a group privilege. And what was even more powerful was the empathy caused the 2 wrongdoers to be overwhelmed with remorse and learn from their misdeed.”
Adoptive Parent
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” Thank you so much for LCCS’s help during the last couple of months for our HSR. We appreciate your efficient follow-up and for trying your best to make the assessment as smooth and pleasant as possible for my husband and myself. Indeed, all of you had made a significant contribution to our adoption journey. “
District Judge
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“Though initially sceptical, I am now convinced that there is more to RP and I applaud LCCS in being able to engage and manage even highly complex cases that we ourselves have had difficulties in bringing the needful parties to together to engage in meaningful conversation.”
Client from Project Lift
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“Engaging with Lutheran Community Care Services has somehow affected my life. Through Project Lift, I discovered the importance of a family conference. The outcome has given me some planning to strengthen the relationship between me and my love ones. I am truly grateful for the experience.”

LCCS Courses Q&A

Learn more about the courses LCCS has to offer. Download our Q&A PDF to understand how the SkillsFuture SG funding works.

Make A Difference

“Giving is not just about making a donation. It is about making a difference.” 

Kathy Calvin


“Giving is not just about making a donation. It is about making a difference.” 

Kathy Calvin